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The center's organizational structure attaches importance to the principle of flexibility, and the structure establishment mainly guided by the pursuit and implementation of senior citizen education-related projects. On the one hand, the organizational method combines researchers from different fields depending on the nature of the plan, and on the other hand, combining the participation of practical workers. Based on the goals and nature of the project, organizing R&D team flexibly can effectively implement the core concepts and goals.

Professor Wei, Hui-Chuan is currently the director of the Senior Education Research Center of National Chung Cheng University and a professor in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education. She specializes in senior life design, senior learning curriculum development and teaching design, program planning and management, and communication and oral communication. Professor Email is aduhcw@gmail.comProfessor Li, Ai-Tzu is currently the Chief Secretary of National Chung Cheng University and is also a professor in the Department of Adult and Continuing Education. His expertise is in training planning and evaluation, program planning and evaluation, educational training and talent development, and adult career development and management. The professor’s email address is irisli@ccu.edu.twAssociate Professor Wang, Wei-ni is currently the director of the Media and Public Relations Center of National Chung Cheng University and an associate professor of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education. His expertise is in American higher and community college education, higher and adult education organization and leadership, community education and learning organizations. Professor Email: weiniwang@ccu.edu.tw


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